Aliyah Bet & Machal Virtual Museum
North American Volunteers In Israel's War of Independence
The 2018 Mickey Marcus Memorial at West Point
APRIL 29, 2018 - The American Veterans of Israel Legacy Corporation, in association with the Consulate General of Israel in New York, held the 52nd Annual Mickey Marcus Memorial Service at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. The event memorialized Colonel David “Mickey” Marcus, among 41 U.S. and Canadian volunteers who gave their lives in Israel’s War of Independence (1947-1949). Colonel Marcus, a West Point graduate, was recruited as a military advisor to David Ben-Gurion and the underground Haganah defense forces. He fell on June 11, 1948, during the siege of Jerusalem.
The service at the USMA Jewish chapel commenced at 11:00 a.m. led by USMA and guest Chaplains; Jewish War Veterans-Rockland/Orange District presented the Colors. Captain David Ruderman, Garrison Jewish Chaplain at the U.S. Military Academy, and guest Chaplains Rabbi Doniel Kramer, Rabbi Sanford Dresin and Colonel Robert Marsi officiated. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sent a greeting for the event honoring the memory of Col. Marcus. The program celebrated the 70th anniversary of the State of Israel. Among the speakers was Jeffrey Margolis, President of AVILC; Brigadier General Cindy Jebb, Dean of the USMA Academic Board; Ambassador Dani Dayan, Consul General of Israel in New York and Major General Michael Edelstein, Israel’s Defense Attache to the U.S. Referring to Col. Marcus, Ambassador Dayan remarked “We are celebrating a person who changed the course of Jewish history. One of the most important possessions in my office is an Israeli flag which survived 9-11. It represents the connection between America and Israel including our shared values and the fight against terrorism. In a sense, Colonel Marcus is that flag.” A musical interlude followed, presented by the SAR High School Choir, directed by Kenny Birnbaum.
Colonel Marcus was inducted, during the service, as a Distinguished Member of the Civil Affairs Regiment by the United States Army's John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center. Colonel David Mitchell, USA, ret. and Mr. Michael Charlebois presented the plaque and medallion that will be kept and displayed in the USMA Jewish Chapel. The ceremony resumed at Colonel Marcus’ burial site, whose gravestone reads “Colonel David Marcus - A Soldier for All Humanity”. The program concluded with the recitation of the Mourner’s Kaddish and a wreath-laying ceremony, followed by a Firing Salute and Taps rendered by the USMA Honor Guard.
Five surviving “Machal” veterans were present for the event surrounded by family and friends. They were determined to make a difference in their youth, seven decades ago. They are determined to do so now, if only by their silent, steadfast presence by which they honor their late comrades-in-arms. (1,250 North American men and women served in “Machal” as volunteers from abroad).
Benjamin Netanyahu's Greeting and Recognition of Mickey Marcus (Click to Enlarge)
Tiffany Mitchell, Jeffrey A. Margolis, Theresa Forbes, Si Spiegelman, Donna Parker
Ambassador Dani Dayan and Rafi Marom
Brigadier General Cindy Jebb, Captain David Ruderman, Colonel David Mitchell, USA, ret., Mr. Michael Charlebois
Brigadier General Cindy Jebb, Captain David Ruderman, Colonel David Mitchell, USA, ret., Mr. Michael Charlebois
Paul Kaye, Jeffrey A. Margolis, Joshua Landes, Si Spiegelman, Marcie Wolman, Fred Rawicz
Photos courtesy Beth Guidry and Jeff Hoffman
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