Aliyah Bet & Machal Virtual Museum

North American Volunteers In Israel's War of Independence

2019 Mickey Marcus Memorial to Observe 70th Anniversary of IDF

Mickey Marcus Tombstone

American Veterans of Israel Legacy Corporation

In Conjunction with The Consulate General of Israel in New York

Invite the Public to Attend the 53rd Annual Mickey Marcus Memorial Service at The US Military Academy - West Point Jewish Chapel

Sunday, May 5, 2019


Please join us for our annual program commemorating colonel David 'Mickey' Marcus among the 41 US and Canadian volunteers who gave their lives in Israel’s War of Independence (1947-1949).

10:00-10:50…Coffee hour in the Chapel Social Hall


11:00-12:15…Memorial Service in the USMA Jewish Chapel led by Chaplains and choir `in the presence of Veterans of Israel’s War of Independence and guests. Jewish War Veterans-Rockland/Orange District presenting the Colors. CH (CPT) David Ruderman (USMA) and guest rabbis officiating.

Observing the 70th Anniversary of the IDF presenting: A Tribute to the Machal Volunteers from The Chief of The General Staff – Israel Defense Forces

Messages from the Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu and The Chief of the IDF General Staff, LTG Gadi Eisenkot

Presenting the Machal Citation: Amb. Dani Dayan, Consul General of the State of Israel in NY MG Michael Edelstein, Israel Defense Attache to the U.S.


12:45-1:15…USMA Military Cemetery. Honoring Col. David ‘Mickey’ Marcus among the fallen volunteers in Israel’s War of Independence.

Mourners Kaddish and wreath-laying ceremony at the graveside.

Firing Salute and Taps by the USMA Honor Guard.