Aliyah Bet & Machal Virtual Museum
North American Volunteers In Israel's War of Independence
The 2022 Mickey Marcus Memorial
The Directors and Officers of the American Veterans of Israel Legacy Corporation are happy to announce that we shall be holding our annual Mickey Marcus Memorial Service at the Jewish Chapel of the United States Military Academy at West Point on Sunday, May 1, 2022, at 10:00 AM.
The Chapel address is 750 Merritt Road, West Point, NY, 10996.
CH (MAJ) David Frommer and guest rabbis officiating.
10:00…Coffee hour in the Jewish Chapel Social Hall
11:00…Memorial Service in the USMA Jewish Chapel Sanctuary
12:15…USMA Military Cemetery. Honoring Col. David ‘Mickey’ Marcus
among the fallen volunteers in Israel’s War of Independence.
…Mourners Kaddish and wreath-laying ceremony at the graveside.
…Firing Salute and Taps by the USMA Honor Guard.
All persons wishing to enter the Academy grounds must stop at the Visitor Control Center located at 2017 New South Post Rd, a short distance from the Academy entrance gate, and fill out a Credential Request Form (CRF). Open daily from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. If you would like to be pre-vetted, please fill out this form by March 27th. The visitor passes will be available for pick up at the Visitor Control Center on the morning of the service. A current driver’s license or other government-issued photo ID is required for identification. All guests will need to have proof of COVID vaccination, with the second dose at least two weeks prior to May 1, 2022. A mask will be required indoors.
We look forward to seeing all our friends from over the years.
Save time on the day of the event. Pre-register for a day pass by March 27th.
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