Aliyah Bet & Machal Virtual Museum

North American Volunteers In Israel's War of Independence

Mickey Marcus Memorial Held Virtually August 29th, 2021

AVILC will host a virtual event through a zoom presentation of clips from past programs at West Point to commemorate and honor American volunteers who came to the aid of the State of Israel during their War of Independence between 1947-1949.

Particular recognition for those who made the ultimate sacrifice, with specific acknowledgment for Colonel David ‘Mickey’ Marcus.  Colonel Marcus is interred in the U.S. Military Academy, West Point, NY.

During the current Covid-19 health crisis, this year's event will be held via Zoom.  This will also provide an opportunity for worldwide sharing of the incredible story of these heroic volunteers.  The program will include an introduction by veteran Si Spiegelman and a segment from our 2019 Memorial featuring veteran Ralph Lowenstein Z”L.  Participants will see clips from the film Cast a Giant Shadow, starring Kirk Douglas as Colonel Mickey Marcus. Also to be shown: an interview with Col. Glenn Goldman, a performance by The SAR Academy Choir, and parts of the annual memorial service at Mickey Marcus's gravesite.


11am EDT, Sunday, August 29th, 2021

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